Arduino split integer into bytes. pull each char out separately.
Arduino split integer into bytes So I read these two bytes from the eeprom, and I want to combine them back into one 16 bit unsigned integer. floats contain both mantissa and exponent, and are NOT the same format as integers. split[2] and myLong. Thanks to the TimeNTP example I do know how to get 4 bytes into 1 long, like this: I m having a bizarre problem. 9; int a; int b; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: a = temp; // gets the first part as going from (casting) //float to int drops the bit after the decimal point Serial. Commented Oct 12, 2010 at 23:24. >> 8 discards the lowest 8 bits by moving all bits 8 places to the right. Then read it out as bytes, and put the bytes into another union. The other two are values for the car. Hello id, like to find the way to split a byte into halfs and get the representative of each half as a decimal number. your arduino code should only print the Hi Guys, I was wondering if it is possible to convert a float to 4 bytes AK 32 bits. First you need to copy the original int value to an unsigned int:. Because of the Hardware, its neccesarry, to split a two digit number into 2 4-bit. println(fb[1]); Serial. union { unsigned int integer; char byte[4]; } temp32bitint; and cast while printing, to prevent promoting to 'int' (which C does by default) printf("%u, %u \n", (unsigned char)Buffer[0], (unsigned char)Buffer[1]); One possible way to solve your problem, always work with explicit unsigned data-types. println(f1); Serial. People like me looking for answers use Arduino keyword and sometimes get into very tricky situations as implementing Arduino code onto Attiny is not always trivial. Maximum is 8192 bytes. That's not how it works :) So, doing it that way, this is what I get for using 1234567 as my float. If you define a struct so that it has 2 members -- one 4-byte type and one 4-element array of a single byte type, then you can easily refer to the same data as a whole 4-byte element, or byte-wise as you desire. That's a regular 16-bit integer but you can split it into two bytes with "bit manipulation", masking the high-byte to leave the just the low-byte value, and by bit-shifting right by 8-bits to leave the just high-byte. I'm running into problems recombining the bytes into a Long. int requires 4 bytes for storage. i noticed that i can only transfer from 0 to 255. bytes[1] returns integer MSByte. So I'll change the len 2 to 8 and I want to convert an unsigned int and break it into 2 chars. Convert the two letter hex character into two separate ASCII values, representing the number/letter of each hex character. pack # Little-endian so y1 will be least-significant byte, use '>I' for big-endian # Done many times (you need to mask here, because your number is >32 bits) y1, y2, y3, y4 = int_to_four_bytes(x & The union type is similar to a struct except that each of the members of the element occupy the same memory. I wanted to I have a 32 bit long variable, CurrentPosition, that I want to split up into 4, 8bit characters. Long story short: I am receiving a wireless signal that contains 5 discrete sensor values and I want to split them, route them, and display them accordingly. Also, do i need to declare type after the equal?, like byte MSB = byte ( (value & But is there a way to convert every single digit of an int number into a byte, so I can send every digit alone? e. convert char array into byte, then byte to int. I have a string: String MyString = "101,102,103,104" Then you can access the individual bytes of the long using: myLong. Using simple bitwise operations: data[0] = (byte) (width & 0xFF); data[1] = (byte) ((width >> 8) & 0xFF); How it works: & 0xFF masks all but the lowest eight bits. 22: float temp = 37. split int value into bytes. Also avoid bit-shifting on signed types such as int, because if The index local variable will store the val variable index, which contains a character or string in the above code. How can I convert the string to an unsigned integer split and save into those 2 bytes. Hi, don't know how to deal with this problem: I receive data from a wifly module, one string consisting of several numbers. I explain a bit , i,m sending lots of values to Arduino Mega via udp ethernet shield. char *) strtok(): splits a convert to a string. An int (in Arduino) is 16-bit or 2 bytes data, you can send it in two bytes. I have searched everywhere and tried implementing compiled variants to no avail. What I'd like to do is send 4 numbers overs each one 2 bytes. DataByte[0] = 0xB5. However it doesn't like being sent the information 0xFFFF, it needs to be split into two, 0xFF and 0xFF. But the other way around (Arduino->java) only causes trouble for me. I need to do this convertion on a C style since it is not for using on arduino itself, it is for using on mikroC. So again you need to mask, (input[i] >> 8) & 0xFF. I sending integers from an arduino over a wifi module. Ideally I would like to enter a decimal number, and have the code figure out the appropriate bytes to send. On the Arduino side of the link I will readBytes and I know where my values are in the list so I can unpack the list and cast each value from a Sketch compiles into: Sketch uses 2244 bytes (27%) of program storage space. write((uint8_t) iPt && 0xFF); // mask out the higher byte and cast it to a byte I'm trying to split unsigned int value=0x12345678; //4 Bytes value into byte a ,b ,c ,d and print it out but I'm not getting the right byte values void setup() { Serial. How would you convert how would I convert the int to a byte? Arduino Forum Int to byte. Hot Network Questions Should the dielectric between power and ground be thin? Split a string into two integer values. Serial to Parallel Shifting-Out with a 74HC595 | Arduino Documentation. the code to set output is wire. I mean, If I print the float on the serial monitor, I do not get the expected 32 It partitions a unsigned int into two bytes to send it to two shift registers. romarshmallow: however this integer still appears to be 4 bytes long and i want to transmit it as a 2 byte integer. split[1], myLong. If you want to send an integer from the Arduino to a PC in binary form, you can use the method Coding Badly suggested. So If I want to display the the number 9000 for example I need a function that will take in an int value (0-9999) and store the corresponding 0-9 digit to 4 byte variables (ie ones = 0, tens = 0, hundreds = 0, thousands = for example: int full_nr=45; int temp_1; int temp_2; i want temp_1 have '4' value and temp_2 to have '5' value full_nr will have always 00-99 Value (2 digit) and never more than 100 (3 digit) so dont worry about it. For example: starting with: byte myByte = 156 decimal. on a MEGA you will likely overflow the int (2 bytes only) capacity. 000NOK, the control card alone is 30. You split the int into two bytes, MSB and LSB, then you send the bytes and glue them back together at the other end. I have a floating number for example 54. 8: 5602: May 5, 2021 Data type troubles. My output calculation will then give me a number between 0 and 65355, but on an Arduino Uno I am only allowed to transfer 8 bits at a time, which is fine as long as I can split that number into two Bytes. So if doing an analogRead would yield the value of "612", it would send via UART "6" as one byte, "1" as one byte, "2" as one byte, and the line terminator as the last byte. write. 17: 28876: May 5, 2021 integer to byte array. So if doing an analogRead You don't need, nor want, to convert the string into an integer to then split it again. i connected a pot to master arduino to read with slave, from 0 to 1024 and notice value starts back from 0 once reach 255. How would I split that information up so that it is split like this [00000000] where the first split shown as the black bits consist of a number 0-7 the second split shown as the blue bits Actually 9600 is 0x2580. Example: received string 255 234 1 5 34 216 This must be converted to separate bytes and sending Hi, Is there a way to split the value of an integer over three new integers? For example; int i = 109 => int k = 1, int l =0, int m=9; Thanks Put the float into the union as a float. cc. Fastest Method to Split a 32 Bit number into Bytes in C++. Then split each short into 2 bytes. cc substring() - Arduino Reference. I have an issue with converting 1 value to 2 parameters. Process: decimal 156 = 0x9C hex. You've split the number into high and low bytes, that's all. You can write those two values into separate byte variables (both equal to 55 hex or 85 decimal in the above example). println(fb[2]); Serial. There are two types of compressions, lossy and loss less. The output may be other than what you expect because std::uint8_t is an alias of a character type (unsigned char) and character types are treated differently from other integral types by character streams. write((uint8_t) iPt >> 8); // shift the int right by 8 bits, and send as the higher byte LoRa. If you take each character as it comes in as a separate number and store it separately you have no need for splitting. int num = 52; void setup() { Serial. pwright October 3, 2015, 1:31am 1. I have attempted to do this using lowByte. Converting an int into a 4 byte char array. For example my value is 2400 decimal: 2400/256=9,375 --> 09 is the High byte. 9,375-9=0,375 --> 0,375*256=96 --> 96decimal to hex = 60 --> low byte = 60 I have tried the following: LoByte = HighThreshold & 0x00ff; HiByte = (HighThreshold & 0xff00)>>8; Arduino Forum [SOLVED] Split uint-32 to bytes. I have a simple piece of code and am trying to split an integer into two bytes. I have been able to do this with int variables by using highByte and loByte; then I a Good evening everyone, I introduce myself, I am an electronic expert with a passion for electronics and programming. This operation is a lot faster if you just do this: byte x = 0x25; byte y = 0x80; int z; z = ( x << 8 ) + y; yes, sorry was coding from memory got it backwards, but actually this was what i was originally trying to do, and i couldnt get it to work. Hello, I ll be using a mega2560 on a project. substring(from, to) Ref: arduino. convert each char back to a byte using a basic ascii conversion. Of course, they need to be re-combined the same way, by the receiver. The EEPROM. However I figured out that some integers were sending fine but other integers were not. digit0 is buf[0]: strrev(buf); Or, more elegantly, you can use String objects from the Arduino library: String() The problem i have is the following, i need to split an Integer into 2 bytes and then combine them into an Integer in Arduino. I have a predetermined set of parameters and way of handling information. The first Google hit for "split an int into two bytes": stackoverflow. How would I do that most efficiently in C? I am working with an 8bit MCU, 8051 architectecture. Jimster April 15, 2013, I'm reading the data from remote arduino's talking over the Nordic nRF24L01+ radios. I have //74hc165 shiftin define where my pins are int latchPin = 8; int dataPin = 6; int clockPin = 7; int input; void setup() { Serial. is there a way to convert a 4 byte int to 2 bytes? Arduino DUE or what? I have a number that I need to convert into hexadecimal and separate it into two bytes. Arduino Forum Split string into bytes. I never even knew of requestFrom, only of: Wire. Before the for() loop save the return value from micros(), and subtract it from the value of micros() afterwards. I've looked through the 'serial basics' tutorial which has helped but I still have a question about sending bytes and rebuilding them. THE SOLUTION HAS CHANGED TO BE SERIAL SEND/RECEIVE WITH CHAR BUFFERS AND CONVERTS TO FROM AND TO INT. The frequency tuning word is 32 bits long, but using SPI. The code can be found below: void loop() int tempC = 30; //test integer // Integer to array of bits conversion int data[8] Hey all, I am working on a project where I need to split a floating variable into 4 bytes so I can transfer them over a rs485 setup. 7: 17385: May 5, 2021 Bitshifting bytes to form a long var fails! Programming. I am aware of the EEPROM write I am reading two thumb wheels into a 74hc165 shift register and then trying to split the resulting data. I'm having trouble getting the code to simply do the split and recombine properly - the EEPROM part otherwise is working fine, as is the splitting. begin(9600); Serial. The arduino part isn't that hard and works like a charm, but despite me looking through the relevant Questions&Answers already posted on here, i can't Hi, I am using a DAC 8760 and I need to write 16 bits into its Output DATA register to set the desired output. Just extend the concept to splitting the int into 2 shorts. i want to split value of thermistor varaible The master only pushes the necessary data to the Arduino such as coordinates or commands, it does this using Python to split the strings into separate bytes, then writing said bytes to the Arduino to be basically recombined and stored as a string there. For my current method to work, I need to convert the integer value into an array of bits, so the laser could work accordingly. Nope. ; The cast to byte is necessary because these bitwise operations work on an int and return an int, which is a bigger data type than byte. split[0], myLong. arduino. pull each char out separately. however this integer still appears to be 4 bytes long. For instance, you could have two 4 byte* fb = (byte*) &f1; Serial. The LSB is given simply by masking is out with a bit mask: input[i] & 0xFF. A bad idea in theory because this usage of unions is Hi, I have values between 0 and 65536 and I would like to get the high byte (MSB) and the low byte (LSB) of it. (2) In Fig-1 below, we observe that four consecutive memory locations (m0, m1, m2, and m3) have accommodated Hello everyone. g. I need to store a JSON response in those 2 byte. the number 457 splits into 3 Bytes. – dtb. How do i separate the byte into two parts, DataParts[0] = 0xB DataParts[1] = 0x5. Can some one I want to split a received binary data into two binary data. I'm sampling at high frequencies and need to transmit the 10-bit ADC value via UART out of my Arduino. Here is the significant snippet from the transmitter portion: // Combine all sensor readings str_out = If you're doing it a lot, the fastest approach is to create a specialized Struct instance and pre-bind the pack method: # Done once int_to_four_bytes = struct. i want to be able to transfer greater plus and minus ranges, or transfer string data. 5 - (0. The indexOf() function will return -1 if the index is not found in the given string. print("before the point "); Serial. ), probably reversing the string first so that it starts with digit0, i. begin(9600); } void loop() { unsigned int I'm trying to write a Long to the EEPROM, so I'm splitting it into 4 bytes and writing those, then read and recombine later. onRequest(); Combine two bytes into one integer to get a 12-bit value. Convert 0x9C into two separate ASCII characters "9" and "C" GolamMostafa: the OP wants an integer type destination array in which the ASCII coded tokens of the source array would be saved. . Would the itoa() function do it? Hi all i am new to arduino and was trying communication between two arduinos using wire library. Byte 1=4, Byte 2=5 and Byte To give some sort of context, I am essentially looking to store large(ish) numbers on an RFID tag (Mifare classic 1kb) and understand I need to split the numbers I have, into How would I split part1 into 2-3 digits and put them into num1, num2, and num3? int fm_station = FMSTATION ; int part1; int part2; part1 = (FMSTATION / 100); part2 = (FMSTATION % 100); I'm sampling at high frequencies and need to transmit the 10-bit ADC value via UART out of my Arduino. When the variables high and low are declared as uint8_t, the result is incorrect. I am reading these from an eeprom. myString. There's another thread in this forum discussing how to send a short. The from variable defines the starting index used as the starting point to find the index of the given character. By default, it uses a byte per character. On an Arduino, in your "loop()" function, you have a for() loop that calls your test code some number of times. The unit I am trying to make will replicate an already done production unit. I have this method in my java code which returns byte array for given int: private static byte[] intToBytes(int paramInt) { byte[] arrayOfByte = new byte[4]; ByteBuffer localByteBuffer = If you want to actually make a copy of the bytes into a separate array, you can use std::copy: int x; char bytes[sizeof x]; std::copy(static_cast<const Which part of the int? Two bytes are not enough to encode a whole 32-bit integer value. Now, I always thought that I could mask it off with an "&" to grab the needed bits, but it seems as if the 32 bits bytes are not actually 32 bits. It works with floats, longs, bytes, chars, and even custom types like structs and class instances. Let´s say i have the hexadecimal byte as stated below in a array. Projects. Consider the following program: void setup() { int i; int val = 32111; char buffer [7] ; // long enough for 16 bit integer, sign, 5 digits and null. So my code looks something like the following, first_part = (byte) (num_1 & 0xFF); Im looking for a way to modify a binary byte value on Arduino. I am having trouble understanding the Given an INT containing -76 DEC (-76 is a dB representation of 40 DEC from this calculation (31. Struct('<I'). I had known arduino for a long time but only now have I approached this environment. If this byte is a single digit, I need to add a zero to the left. If I have an unsigned integer "x", how can I address each of the two bytes? I have managed to bit shift a 16-bit int into 2 bytes but I am having trouble extrapolating that method (will add later) to using longs. you convert them into and from the network byte order using hton{l,s} and ntoh{l,s I am learning Arduino from "Arduino cookbook by Michael Margolis", i was reading about bitwise operations and extracting low and high bytes from int. , the bytes might be spread out to non-adjacent spots in memory. The end goal being to send the result vis srial comms and the reassemble the integer. I want to separate these numbers and use them as individual bytes. write(byte, 0xFF) PLEASE SEE THE LAST POST. system June 21, 2018, 3:29pm 1. At sometime or another you may run out of pins on Well with a struct, it will now actually split the memory of the int into Hi and Lo. ) No they didn't. (1) In Arduino UNO, memory locations of the RAM space that hold variables are byte oriented locations which mean that each location can hold only 1-byte (8-bit) data. Although if you have many values there are some techniques that could compress it. There is no way to compress a 16 bit value to an 8 bit one. Serial. println(fb[0]); // Take a look at the bytes. I want the 0000 part in one char variable and the 0001 p Have a look at these two functions that I use for writing or reading any value from EEPROM. 12: 3054: As I know my slider values are between 0 and 255 (which will fit into one byte) I can send all four values in a list of four bytes. Storage pattern of a 32-bit (4-byte) number in Arduino (UNO) memory. the excercise was just putting 2 bytes together, sorry if i didnt use x=0x28. I. How do you know it isn't 2? jurs June 6, 2015, 3:35pm 4. High and low output: 18 Arduino - convert int to byte array[16] - RFID write data. There is no need to covert an int to String and then convert it back to char[]. Concatenate Bytes into single value. Different is that the real unit has a price tag of 500. put() command, of course, divides the number into two bytes before writing it into EEPROM; but, the process happens beyond the knowledge of the user. Efficient way to divide a String. Do any one have an idea how I shall do this? Thanks! I am working on a Embedded systems and I have only 2 Bytes of storage. 2. 354 and i want to send to over modbus to another device. I m splitting the integers into 2 bytes and sending the bytes individually to reduce overhead via Serial. You can repeat the sequence as many times as you want to get more significant digits for bigger numbers The you can access every digit by indexing into the buffer (buf[0], etc. Then read it from that union as a float, and it will come out correctly. I guess this is more of a math question than a programming one. For example: int x; // Declaration of You would need to split the integer into 2 shorts. then use those two bytes in whatever command i want, is there a better way to write the uint directly without my byte split?. It is long, and totally obscure. println(a); // get the second part b= temp*10-a*10; Serial. 8: 5638: May 6, 2021 byte to signed int. Actually I do this : HighINT = ValueLong / 32767; LowINT = ValueLong - (HighINT * 32767); regs[MB_REG4] = HighINT; regs[MB_REG5] = I have a string: String MyString = "101,102,103,104" I want to split it into bytes and store in an array, there will always be commas separating the values. begin(9600); pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(dataPin, INPUT); } void loop() { //Pulse the latch pin, That then needs to be converted into HEX using code in arduino to be sent over to the synth. as i,m sending now [FirstValue][SecondtValue][ThirdValue][ForthValue][FithValue] X 512 = 2560 bytes which are I've tried to read lots but nothing is fully in 'newbie speak'. I need to divide it in into 8 bits chunks to use if for other purposes. hi i am trying to use more than 3 74hc595 shift registers to power LED's directly. Could someone tell me how to do it? myNumber: 1234 hex equivalent : 4D2 I need to get: hex1: 0x04 hex2: 0xD2 unsigned int myNumber = 1234; char HexNumber[3]; byte hex1, hex2; void setup() { Serial. i have two shift registers working by splitting the bit into 2 bytes as shown below: byte registerOne = lowByte(bitsToSend); byte registerTwo = highByte(bitsToSend); I am wondering what code i need to have this as 3 or more bytes? any help would be great! thanks Hello! I'm in the middle of a project, where I am trying to send measured temperature values with the means of a laser. println(h,BIN); . Take the following received binary data for instance: uint32_t data = 0xFFFF0001; In binary format it is Hello!How convert integer to low and high byte?Example int temp=20 convert low byte=0 and high byte=2. Still no "conversion to HEX in the Arduino". e. 7: 6743: May 5, 2021 Convert big number to smal thing. 11: Mindstormsnxt: And how do I get the 2 different variables? 26 % 10 is 6. Had to convert original code to work on Attiny, tested it working and decided Is there are some way to split floats of Geodata into integers? I am having problems with sending floats over Bluetooth LE and was thinking about solution where I would simply separate floats directly on Arduino side into integers. 1. com How do I split an integer into 2 byte binary? java. print("after the point Searching for a way to split a hexadecimal byte array into two parts. (each one byte) to the arduino (car). transfer, I can only write 8 bits at a time. begin(115200); } Hi @, use subString(). I have an Int that can never go over 12000. i need to send 512 Set of values maximum of 5 values each. the JSON response is a string containing 2 digits. He said that there is no function in Arduino to extract high and low bytes from long at the time of his writing. I wanted to split this number into 2 bytes and send it. Converting the high order byte to a string, discarding the low order byte, and then 1234567 will not be split into 123 and 4567. However Hi All, I have this problem and I did not found a solution :-/ I have a Signed Long variable that come from an encoder reading, I need to split it into 2 Signed Int to be able to send them to a PC using ModBus Slave over serial. The Arduino programming language Reference, organized into Functions, Variable and Constant, and Structure keywords. The "result" of the split isn't incorrect. As a result, you end up using more memory than necessary. Syntax & Programs. Trying to split a 4 byte value. system December 23, 2011, Use the word conversion to put the bytes together. ? Arduino Forum Split a float in 2 bytes. Since searching on google and on various forums I was unable to understand how to divide a variable into several variables. I want to split it into 2 bytes I have two 8 bit integers that I want to combine into one unsigned 16 bit integer. I'm a beginner at arduino and I want to make a potentiometer controlled LED and this is my code: int pbr; //potentiometer value byte br; //brightness of LED void setup() { Serial. arduino. I am using C#: var results = "16"; I need to convert this and store it into 2 bytes. docs. Based on the title, you are right. begin (115200); } void loop() { byte H = highByte (num/10); byte L = lowByte (num%10); Serial. Thanks In advance. You can get the numeric The String is converted to byte array uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)payload. The code you have posted input[i] >> 8 gives the next byte before that. However, it also gives anything that happened to be stored in the most significant bytes, in case int is 32 bits. RakeshArduino September 11, 2018, x. Unfortunately, there is no declaration of destination array in your sketch. unsigned ui; memcpy(&ui, &i, sizeof ui); I have tried to wrap my head around this one, but I simple can't figure it out. Can anyone help with any function that could split a float into 2 bytes. cc word() - Arduino Reference. split[3]. and I want the central arduino to display the values on a local LCD display. ¿how do i split an int into 2 bytes for my DAC? (i. The sprintf() function is very powerful, but usually you only use a fraction of its functionality. c_str(); The content of byte array is that: (14 bytes) 18 06 0C 01 67 01 08 02 68 4B 03 74 01 FC I would fill two variables : uint8_t *deviceID; uint8_t *loraData; the deviceID with 3 bytes (18 06 0C) and loraData with other 11 bytes (01 67 01 08 02 68 4B 03 74 01 FC). I have a 4 digit 7seg display that I have to multiplex by the digit with a 959 shift register. 26 / 10 is 2. I am trying to send information over beacon which is limited to a message of 2 bytes. 000NOK. Hello I have a long variable with 4 bytes that i need to split to then write on a eeprom address. beginPacket(); LoRa. Actually the first byte (8 bits) is the high order bits, the second byte is the low order bits. union packed_long { long l; byte b[4]; }; The problem is arising as unsigned char is a 4 byte number not a 1 byte number as many think, so change it to. Lets say I want the information in byte 1 to include 2 booleans, and 2 numbers in the range of 0-7. Then, send each of the bytes, in the correct order. The first one is an initiation character. As part of a multiple-7-segment multiplexing test I'm using this function to split an integer into it's digits: #define segments 3 byte d[segments]; void setDigits(int number, byte digits) { for (byte i = 0; i < digits; i++) { d[i] = (number % int(pow(10, i+1))) / pow(10, i); } } Basically "number" counts up from zero, I run the value through setDigits() and use the d array to I read 8 bytes: uint8_t tempdata[8]; I would like to transfere the 6 first bits of "tempdata[6]" to an integrer and take the remaining two bits from "tempdata[6]" and put them infront of "tempdata[7]" and convert these 10 bits to integer. I need to send these numbers as individual bytes through serial. Need 2560 because of i/o pins. int iPt = 552; LoRa. and. A good idea in practice because the compiler can do the decomposition of the int into bytes. onReceive(); Wire. For example: If the integer is 1, its binary representation would be 0000 0001. whoah, i Hi. I wish to serial stream each byte of an unsigned integer out a data pin of a Nano. ammarqs December 7, 2017, 10:08pm 1. , splitting them). It is clear that you have never done any real programming where you have to fit things into a @OP. 51: 15137: I have been told to be careful about a simple casting of non-byte variables to an array of bytes because there's no guarantee that the memory allocated for certain data types will be contiguous. begin(9600); pinMode(3, OUTPUT) Convert a 0-255 decimal byte value into a 0x00-0xFF hex character. Use an array union myData { int Data; struct bytes { byte Lo; // <- notice the order, Lo is first. Forum 2005-2010 (read only) Arduino folks added some functions (int(), char(), etc. 5 * (255 - 40))) ) How do I end up with two HEX bytes: byte name [11] = 0x37 (0x37 is ASCii 7) byte name [12] = 0x36 (0x36 is ASCii 6) I need to change the decimal value from -76 to +76 (or just unsigned), and then split the number into the The OP is asking for the division of a number into two bytes before the number is stored into EEPOM. Do you wish to lose the information in the MSBs? c# convert 2 bytes into int value. No look up tables are involved. Programming. Let’s begin with a basic example to illustrate the primary I am trying to program a DDS board (AD9959) with an Arduino Uno and need to set a frequency tuning word. I am trying to replicate the communication and behavior of Integer on the Arduino is 2 bytes. println(fb[3]); temp = (fb[0] << 24) + (fb[1] In an embedded environment like Arduino (even for a Mega that has more SRAM), I'd rather use standard C functions: strchr(): search for a character in a C string (i. sajqaaeyrjfrknfentirjfomazbpdcztbqwbjfrfmoeqvafahoiihokrcwpslbvsgvztulmngbvrrt