Bulk add devices to group intune If everything is working well on these devices. Enter the Host name or URL and enrollment URL for the MDM server under Setup Assistant enrollment for iOS/iPadOS devices with Microsoft Intune. 01 2023/03/17 Script creation # version 0. I’ve explained the manual process of Windows 10 Intune enrollment As the title states, would anyone know what command I need to run to bulk update a group tag? In other words, Change all devices with a group tag labelled 'A' to a new tag called 'B'. Have your user groups and device groups ready to receive your enrollment policies. Let’s check the Bulk Device Actions in Intune, aka Endpoint Manager. Open the Microsoft Intune admin portal https://intutne The Bulk device feature in Microsoft Intune is a convenient way to perform a single action across multiple devices enrolled in Intune. When devices check in with the Intune service, it receives your profile, and the Company Portal app installs. deviceOSType -contains “iPhone”)" or others to the group which will automatically add these devices into this group. <# . Some device actions have more options or fields to populate. If you haven't reviewed or created your group structure, and want some guidance, then go to Planning Guide: Step 4 - Review existing policies and infrastructure. However, you must also include one of the following variables as part of the device name: {{serialnumber}} - Add the device's serial number to the name. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center. Wait 30-60 minutes, and the device will appear in your Autopilot devices list! Microsoft Intune is a powerful tool for managing devices and users within an organization. This simplifies the device grouping during Autopilot device provisioning. Add a single user, Automatic enrollment administrator tasks. The best privacy online. It has to do this because DeviceID only exists on objects If the device is Windows 10 and deployed you can have the devices report their hardware hashes. You are grabbing the intune device ID with that. You can also add users in a bulk operation or create a new group in an administrative unit. Create autopilot deployment profile, select convert to autopilot and deploy to group you created. This method allows you to bulk enroll devices that are already domain joined. No one wants to do something like that manually, so I put together a script to do it for me. If the device has already been joined in Microsoft Entra ID/Azure AD, the official supported method for Intune auto-enrollment is to use a provisioning package: Bulk join a Windows device to Azure AD and Microsoft Endpoint Manager using a provisioning package – Microsoft Community Hub Alternatively, you can use a Powershell script to enroll the devices. Assign an app. devicePhysicalIds -any _ -contains "StandardMachine") Hello there, I want to share with you my a script that bulk creates common Azure AD dynamic queries that are used for Intune deployments, I work for a managed<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on Create an Autopilot device group using Intune. We can use PowerShell and Microsoft Graph API to bulk update group tags. We know how to add and remove devices from device group. Dynamic groups (Requires Microsoft Entra ID P1 or P2) - Automatically add users or devices to user groups or device groups As an Intune Admin, We know how to create device group in Azure AD or Intune. Jimmy White Feb 2021 www. Additionally, as security requirements evolve, updating Intune-enrolled device bulk deployment. As I have been awarded Microsoft MVP award for the 5th time so wanted to share something different with the community and was waiting for this post. Domain joined devices can seamlessly enroll. This is so we can make sure that this device isn’t already a member of the group. I am getting rid of hundreds of windows devices that were once registered with Autopilot in Intune. set the dynamic membership rules like "(device. One of the key features of Intune is the ability to create and manage groups. Mi 1. IT states the user or device doesn't exist. Intune gives admins the ability to run device actions remotely. You Intune is a Mobile Device Management service that is part of Microsoft's Enterprise Mobility + Security offering. If they When assigning policies and apps in the admin center you can choose to assign to All users or All devices groups, which are pre-created. Sort by: Best. I know there are a lot of the devices needs to do enrollment. The following components are pre-requisites for successful installation: Intune enrollment: Teams Rooms on Windows devices must be already enrolled in Intune. Sign in to the Intune admin center > Devices > Enrollment. Two scenarios are possible: remove all members from a device group first, and add owned devices from a user to a device group. 1. This is a way to automatically enroll hybrid Azure AD-joined Windows devices in Intune. 2 Automating Device Categorization in Microsoft Intune: A Comprehensive GuideEffortlessly manage and group devices within Microsoft Intune using device categories. For more information about how to enroll Teams Rooms on Windows devices in Intune, see Enrolling Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows devices with Microsoft Bulk Renaming of Intune Devices. My company needs a bulk Intune enrollment method for close to 1000 devices in the following environment: Windows 11 (MDM and MAM) > Microsoft Intune > Add device group to the MDM user scope) On one I tried manually enabling the group policy. Don't call it InTune. . Using PowerShell, we can modify the group tag existing autopilot device in Intune if we have already imported it. The device group is filled with devices that are owned by the user. Search privately. You can use Azure AD dynamic device groups to automatically add devices in a group based on a device’s attributes. Windows 10; Windows 11; Join new Windows devices to Microsoft Entra ID and Intune. Create a group of devices already in intune but not set for autopilot. @Mike , Maybe we can consider to create a Dynamic Group. In the Microsoft Intune admin center, select Groups > New group. There are four types of Windows Autopilot deployment: Microsoft Intune Docs on Github; Bulk update Windows Autopilot groupTags by Nicola Suter; A provisioning package adds devices in bulk to Azure Active Directory (AAD) and automatically enroll those devices into Microsoft Intune. Get a discount on my Intune course and all my courses at https://examlabpracti In addition, to make device management easier, Microsoft Intune Device Categories let you automatically add devices to groups based on the categories that the end user selects. These groups are considered "virtual" because you do not create them or view Automatic enrollment + group policy; Windows Autopilot; A device enrollment manager can use the following methods to enroll devices in Intune: Bulk enrollment using a provisioning package; enter the user principal name of the user you're adding. The group tag for individual devices can be updated from the Intune admin center. On the Bulk device action page, select an OS and Device action. Using the Entra Object ID, I am attempting to bulk-import members into a group. Ensure that corporate devices are marked as corporate-owned as soon as they enroll by adding their corporate identifiers ahead of time in the Microsoft Intune admin center. Also a lot of details on Intune Remote Actions. csv to add another column called Group Tag. However, renaming a device in Intune doesn't actually change the device's hostname in the OS, it just changes the device's name in Intune. You can select or search for a device from any of the following views: Microsoft Intune Beginners Video Tutorials Series:This is a step by step guide on How to Categorize Devices into Groups in Intune. This manual step is helpful only when you need to add or remove few devices. In the Apps pane, select the app you want to assign. g. Group type: Select Security. We then we add a tag called Sales to the group of devices that will be allocated to the Sales team, a tag called Accounting to the group of devices that will be allocated to the Accounting team, etc. The user can download and install the Intune Company Portal app from the Microsoft Store and walk In this article. Is there a way to give list of device serial numbers in a text or csv file and change the correct group tag. ; Outcome: You can enroll up to 3 devices, because the Microsoft Entra ID limits users to a maximum of 3 devices. process is using Graph calls in Power Automate to pull DeviceID from ManagedDevices then matches to AzureDeviceID from Devices to place in a group. So, we cannot update a single device group tag as that will take a long time, and let's use some automation Recently, I was tasked with adding a large list of systems to a group in AzureAD for use in Intune. Select Apps > All Apps. Choose Next. The Microsoft Entra Maximum number of devices per user setting is set to 3. DESCRIPTION Add Computers to Azure AD Group. So when you run Deploy the app configuration policy to the same device group as the enrollment profile. In this article. The new device enrollment manager is added to the list of DEM users. For more information, see Require multifactor authentication for Intune device enrollments. Has anyone had any success bulk changing a group tag on Autopilot devices based on a list of serial numbers? I have found some information on doing it with the device ID but that does not seem as helpful as just using the serial numbers of the devices. Any help is appreciated! Share Add a Comment. Select the Security under Group Type and Under Membership type select “Dynamic Device” then assign the group There are different methods to bulk enroll devices to Intune, but the easiest way will depend on the type of devices and the level of automation you want to achieve. You could also probably speed up the time taken to get all the intune devices if you use a filter. Group tag - Bulk assign a tag to devices in a group . For the Enrollment URL, enter the enrollment profile URL exported from Intune. We currently have a about 200+ devices that are enrolled into autopilot at the moment and we've been doing this by adding co-managed devices into groups to enrol them into Hi, There are 200+ devices group tag is updated incorrectly. , US instead of EUROPE, due to which devices were not getting added to the correct dynamic group as per device region. First let’s check how to add a group tag to an Autopilot device manually. I'm lost! Intune is a Mobile Device Management service that is part of Microsoft's Enterprise Mobility + Security offering. Migrating from G Suite to Office 365; 365 to 365 Migration; Option 2 – Dynamic groups. This option: Includes the correct Company Portal app version. You can restart, rename, Sync, and perform more by using remote actions from the Intune portal. In the Intune portal the Group Tag field on an Autopilot device maps to the Azure AD device property “OrderID”. especially because Intune is slow sometimes and errors out when I try to delete one single device now imagine 600 devices You're attempting to add a member to a role-assignable group and you don't have the required permissions. Follow the steps to complete this process. The devices will get automatically added to the . For personally owned devices, the Intune Company Portal app is the most common option. Note: When existing Scope tags are available, simply select the existing Scope tag to open the Edit <ScopeTagName> blade. This blog addresses a common query in forums: automating device category Extension attributes can be used in Dynamic Group queries and when filtering for devices in conditional access policies, making them very useful and versatile for certain use cases. I would like to make these devices automatically join a group once provisioned, but am unsure how to proceed with this process. If you try to enroll more than three devices in Intune, enrollment fails because the fourth device 1: Open the Azure portal and navigate to Microsoft Intune > Roles > Scope (Tags) to open the Intune roles – Scope (Tags) blade;: 2: On the Intune roles – Scope (Tags) blade, select Create to open the Create Scope Tag blade;. Wait a day. Brave is on a mission to fix the web by giving users a safer, faster and more private browsing experience, while supporting content creators through a new attention-based rewards ecosystem. Install-Script -Name bulk-assign-intune. Bulk operations in Microsoft Entra ID enable you to perform actions on multiple entities, such as users, groups, and devices, at once. Create a device category in Intune, such as nursing or marketing, and Intune will automatically add all devices that fall within that category to the corresponding device group in Intune. The bulk rename option uses the same rules as renaming a single device. Group name and Group description: Enter a name and description for the group. For a complete list, go to supported device platforms. Open Intune Console and click on Create new group under the Groups tab as shows below. On the Devices page, select Device categories allow you to easily manage and group devices in Microsoft Intune. Use a bulk device action. Let’s understand how to perform Intune Enrollment Using Group Policy. The script invokes a file picker to allow you to choose the file. I’m not going to run through the whole code here, but to run through what it does: First up it installs the Intune Graph PowerShell modules in the current user context Line 38 is going to use the device ID we collected earlier to get the Azure AD object ID of the device, we need this to actually add the device to a group. However, I don't want to use a file as a basis first, as described in many tutorials, but access directly the AutoPilot devices in Intune. devicePhysicalIds -any _ -eq "[OrderID]:mOSD") To create a group that includes all Autopilot devices with a specific group tag (the Microsoft Entra device OrderID), enter: (device. These groups can be categorized into two main types: device groups and user groups. The devices I am looking to add to a group tag are new devices set to our tenant by the OEM. Skip to content. You can run the script on a scheduled basis manually. About; Migration Guides. Add device tags using the portal. admx file was updated to include the Device Credential option to select which credential is used to enroll the device. The goal of Autopilot is to reduce the OS deployment complexity. Microsoft Entra roles can be assigned to the group: Select No, Microsoft Entra roles Intune is a Mobile Device Management service that is part of Microsoft's Enterprise Mobility + Security offering. Create device category. But what would you Choose Devices > All devices > Bulk Device Actions. I noticed you can do a bulk import but you need the object Id In the preferences pane, select Servers and choose the plus symbol (+) to launch the MDM Server wizard. Check enroll devices. We start by modifying the . I hope you found it useful! Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter (@IntuneSuppTeam) if you have any questions or feedback. I can import them individually, using the correct Entra ID, however, when I try to Navigate back to Bulk import group members blade, upload the csv file which we just worked on. My company needs a bulk Intune enrollment method for close to 1000 devices in the following environment: Windows 11 Already joined to Azure AD No on-prem AD We need a way to enroll these devices with minimal user or IT interaction. the value will end up as the “Group Tag” in Intune. So add the current 2000 Android devices to a group and the current 3000 iOS devices to a group. e. Also if you have more than 1k devices, you will need to use a foreach and get each 1k page of results, as Graph calls are paginated: 8/28/2020 Updated the tool to new version , now it contains retire action as well as fixed small bug with logging that has been reported by community. Browse privately. For the specific app, select an assignment type: However, when i try to do a bulk import for a new group, it fails. Skipping down to line 41, we get a list of the current members of the Azure AD group. com. then we can do it on all the In this article. This enrollment method requires a provisioning package that can be created using Windows Configuration Designer. You can now create a group in Azure AD with Dynamic Device. Click on Submit to initiate the process of adding devices to Azure AD Group. In other words, change all devices with a group tag named "A" to a new tag named "B". Members Online • Ambitious-Abroad-363 How to add bulk users to an Azure AD group? upvotes 📚 Bulk Update Windows Autopilot Group Tags | How To Add A Group Tag To Autopilot Devices in Intune👉 In this video, I am going to show you how to update or With Windows Autopilot, Microsoft provides the ability to add group tag to each device to support automation during device enrollment and deployment. After that, assign the ADE enrollment profile to the group to let them bulk apply the ADE Enrollment Profile。For the Dynamic membership Recently, I found a few Windows autopilot devices where the group tag was missing or the incorrect region group tag was assigned. Here is an example: 2. Some device How to auto enroll a Hybrid Azure AD join device in Intune. Oddly, the device id will bring up the computer in End Point Manager but no in Azure AD. Optional. Group these devices in AAD and assign them to an Autopilot deployment profile that is set to convert them to Autopilot devices/collect the hardware ID. The options below list various attributes that can be used for creating Azure AD dynamic device groups. Trigger a wipe of the device via Intune when we're ready to fully AAD-join the device. Applies to: Android, iOS/iPadOS, Windows 10, Windows 11. Device Credential is only supported for Microsoft Intune enrollment in scenarios with Co-management or Azure Virtual Create the GPO to onboard devices into Intune automatically. Categorize devices into groups. Synopsis Add Computers to Azure AD Group . On the other I ran the script. For example, you can use RBAC to provide secure access to your admins based on platforms. The next step is to upload the device list to Intune. Applies to. The following example shows a request that uses the directoryObjects reference to add a member to a group. com . . Open AI keeps giving me garbage scripts with modules that are deprecated so I thought I would ask the community. You can use the Intune (MDM) enrollment group policy with Hybrid Azure AD-joined and domain-joined + Azure AD-registered devices. Follow the steps below to create an Entra ID group based on the Windows Autopilot Group Tag. Select Add Group to open the Add group pane that is related to the app. In New Group, configure the following properties:. ; The Intune Device limit setting is set to 5. Enroll a Windows device automatically using Group Policy. Most actions support up to 100 devices. Be sure your devices are running Windows 10/11. Register device for Windows Autopilot. Sharing Intune Bulk Device Removal Tool that I have built and In this video, I show you how to enroll devices into Intune via Group Policy. I get the same results from both. If the devices are Windows-based and already joined to an Active Directory domain, you can use the Intune Connector for Active Directory (also known as Hybrid Azure AD Join) to To add device tags using API, see Add or remove device tags API. What started as trying to export/import settings catalog policies in bulk evolved into more, and I added to the script to do more than just settings catalog policies. If they're Windows 7 you'll need to download the JSON file from Intune and create a batch sequence that installs Win10 with the JSON file pointing the device to your Intune tenant. Create Azure AD Group based on Intune Device Category. For specific details of each remote action, like options or platform support, see the help page for each. While device categorization is essential, manually assigning categories for each device can be challenging and impractical. This video will help demonstrate bulk enrollment methods with Microsoft Intune. Add comment Comment Use comments to ask for clarification, additional information, or improvements to the question. One issue however with using the admin portal is that there is no option for ‘add devices’ or at least to use an existing device filter, you would need to select each machine manually. Wildcard/any Autopilot /Intune object property Bulk edit Group Tags Bulk delete Autopilot devices + Intune devices Browse and sorting of Autopilot objects Autopilot hardware hashes: Upload Search existing devices using csv Neither exe or ps1 In this video, I show you how to bulk enroll devices into Microsoft Intune via Group Policy. In the Manage section of the menu, select Properties. Requires you to create an enrollment profile, and create an app configuration policy. Even if we use the same script, we can newly add the group tag if we missed it at the beginning. 1. If you're bulk enrolling devices, consider creating the Device enrollment manager (DEM) account. Open comment sort You can add users, groups, or devices to administrative units using the Microsoft Entra admin center. This will allow you to manage your devices in I am trying to automate the Intune device adding to a specific exclusion group while installing a Win32 app. I need to delete them all of them from the Autopilot but doing this one at a time is extremely tedious. If format is correct, you will see File uploaded successfully. devicePhysicalIds -any (_ -eq "[OrderID]:179887111881")). But to add to a group you will need the Azure Device ID, which is different. Let’s see the detailed step to get the CSV template for bulk import of devices into the Azure AD Group. If they are there and show a profile assigned you can fresh start them and they will load clean install of whatever is on recovery partition. CNAME records associate a domain name with a specific Intune Company Portal app. Create a category, such as sales or accounting, and Intune will automatically add all The Bulk device feature in Microsoft Intune is a convenient way to perform a single action across multiple devices enrolled in Intune. The first is to download Azure AD Group Import CSV Template,and then we need to fill that template with the Device Object ID from Azure AD. One issue however with using the admin portal is that there is no option for ‘add devices’ In this video, we'll show you how to add devices to Azure AD groups using Bulk operations using Import Member. The DEM account can enroll up to Note. As with all scripts, it is available on Github here and also on PowerShell Gallery. Running the Autopilot for existing devices task sequence and the Autopilot deployment on a device doesn't automatically register the device iOS or Android devices example 1. The default behavior for older releases is to revert to User Credential. That concludes the “Bulk join a Windows device to Azure AD/Intune using a Provisioning package” scenario. It’s usually easier to script these types of things. Understanding the differences between these groups and knowing when to use each, depends on the @RJay ,. Applying the provisioning package to corporate-owned devices joins the devices to your Microsoft Entra PowerShell Script to Add or Modify Group Tag of Autopilot Devices in Intune. Once I am trying to automate the Intune device adding to a specific exclusion group while installing a Win32 app. # script to set the group tag on one or more devices # niall brady 2023/03/17 # version 0. Intune is a Mobile Device Management service that is part of Microsoft's Enterprise Mobility + Security offering. To bulk enroll devices for your Microsoft Entra tenant, you create a provisioning package with the Windows Configuration Designer (WCD) app. Dynamic Azure AD Groups to assign Autopilot profiles to devices can be built with the following membership rule: (device. add owned devices from a user to a device group. This method can be used for corporate-owned devices. To ensure the project is doing smoothly, we suggest to firstly test on a few devices. Currently on devices we have O365 apps installed as 32Bit & I have deployed 64bit app with ODT tool & deployed You can add the following types of groups: Assigned groups - Manually add users or devices into a static group. I have one that looks up all the devices in a group, gets the AAD Device ID, then gets the Intune object by filter the AAD Device ID. That way I can Bulk rename devices. Several weeks ago, I wrote a script and blog to bulk export Intune policies. Instead of users entering the Intune server name, you can create a CNAME record that's easier to enter, like EnterpriseEnrollment. It is important the new devices won't be added to those groups. You can choose to rename devices in bulk, based on the device platform. contoso. Select the device that you want to manage tags on. To download the See more Good morning. The step next So we have about 1000+ devices we purchased, vendor uploaded them into our autopilot Intune instance, I want add them to an AAD group to get a specific deployment when they enroll. deviousweb. ; Under the Windows tab, click on Devices under Windows Autopilot category; Find a device you want to apply a group tag and click on it. However, there are no such options available for bulk updates of group tags from the Intune admin center. Another scenario could involve adding new devices for a specific role or project, where a new group tag is created to ensure the correct Autopilot profile is applied. The All devices group targets all devices that are enrolled into management and the All users group is a simple way to target all users that are assigned an Intune license. ) This function will return some summary details (devices added and not added), followed by a colleciton of the individual results. Select New Group; Group Type should be Security; Assign a group name “Intune Windows Device Enrollment” Membership type should be changed to Dynamic Device; Select Add dynamic query; On Rule Syntax Select Edit on the right hand side; Type in the following: (device. Scroll down to Properties and select Assignments. All the just to get the serial numbers for devices in a group. The Bulk Devices Actions gives you the ability for the devices you manage, and lets I'm looking for a way to add all currently managed Intune devices to a group. The benefit of managing corporate devices is that they enable more device management capabilities than personal As the title says, I want to use a command to customize the group tags of many AutoPilot devices. That blog can be found here . Adding an extension attribute to a single device is fairly simple using graph explorer Configuring extension attributes for devices in Azure AD – Blog (michev Introducing the Bulk Assignment GUI Tool. If done correctly, a user logs into an out-of-box computer, logs on to his computer with his EntraID user account, and applications and For an overview of the Windows Autopilot deployment for existing devices workflow, see Windows Autopilot deployment for existing devices in Intune and Configuration Manager. EXAMPLE Create a txt file with the netbios names of devices you want to add. Select Add. Choose Devices > All devices > Bulk Device Actions. Examples Example 1: Add a member to a group Request. Reason: We're looking to update our group tag Figure 30: Change primary user for a device . Add a Group tag to an Autopilot device Manually. 02 2023/03/22 adding bulk logic to read serials from csv function Select-GroupTag { do { Write-Host Microsoft Intune Beginners Video Tutorials Series:This is a step by step guide on How to Create and Manage Device Categories in Intune using Microsoft Endpoi When you click “Add devices” you can select a CSV file that is similar to the one that is used with Intune, just with two additional columns. We are expecting a new batch of phones we would like to manage those in a different way. Microsoft Blog for MSPs and IT Pros. Let’s find out the PowerShell script here. > Microsoft Intune > Add device group to the MDM user scope) On one I tried manually enabling the group policy Once the device appears in Intune and shows managed by Intune, add it to a group (or have a dynamic group based off your AD naming scheme), create (or modify) your deployment profile that will detect the device and add it to Autopilot. In Windows 10, version 1903 and later, the MDM. Currently on devices we have O365 apps installed as 32Bit & I have deployed 64bit app with ODT tool & deployed There’s the Intune object ID, the AAD Device ID, and the AAD Object ID. I make use of two different PowerShell modules and you will need you AzureAD tenant ID, the object ID of the group along with rights to add to groups in Windows Autopilot is a solution designed that allows you to set up and pre-configure Windows devices for your environment using EntraID and Intune. kxxcxr krjie lvhu xcntpb geva tgzw aun phyz uexktr bbnu dedomc bwogbpy lhr akatsay tvc