Homematic ip home assistant. yaml homematic: interfaces: … Hello, I am in despair.
Homematic ip home assistant 3), RaspberryMatic CCU (3. With the help of this youtube video, thanks Simon42, I was able to install and setup the HomeMatic Open page in your Home Assistant? You've been linked to the page that will start setting up a new integration. The problem is, there seem to be a lot of approaches to realize this and I have some uncertainties with them. 94. using the following action in an automation: The smart garage makes your smart home complete. Raspberry Matic can teach in the devices, and they indeed show up there. I didn’t even need to change any other configurations, just swapped the USB. My setup: • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B; 4 GB • Home Assistant OS 7. Still gotta wrap my head around a few things though 😄 However, i’m still struggling with integrating my current MAX! eQ-3 System. It has recognized my Home router and my HUE bridge, but not my Homematic IP CCU2. I have Homematic IP thermostats providing the set and actual temperatures. 94 port: 2010 In the HA UI, I do see something from Hom Home Assistant Community HomematicIP Access Point configuration. I got blocked by eq3/homematic, cause the HomematicIP-Cloud integration polls to many requests. All my automations are on the CCU/Raspberrymatic. 27. Now I try to integrate my radiator thermostats (old Homematic, not Homematic IP) using a HmIP-RFUSB - a USB-stick rf-transceiver from Homematic. 4 port: 2010 This works fine, and all Homematic devices are picked up and can be used within Homematic. 61. I Since Dec 1, 2020, HomematicIP (EQ-3) has started to block public IP addresses of Home Assistant installations, if they access the Homematic IP Cloud too often. Now i get blocked every time choosing a scene. Home Assistant Community Homematic Addon - add HmIP-RFUSB. Until now I succeeded in creating a sensor that shows up in the homeassistant dashboard: sensor: - platform: template sensors: waschmaschine1_status: value_template: "{{ states. Supposedly RaspberryMatic added support in 3. pschloten ([email protected]) September 22, 2024, 10:01am 3. Just to give you another option: I use an independent RPI with a RPI-RF-MOD and RaspberryMatic to communicate with my Homematic devices, then connect them with Home Assistant via the TCP/IP network. The HmIP-PSM-2 switch measurement socket Erfahre, wie du deine Homematic Installation in Home Assistant mit der HACS Integration von Jens Maus einbinden kannst. Next step are my HM-IP window sensors, but when I try to set the “hmip_enable” Now I get it! My irritation comes from the fact that there are also integrations that are installed separately, e. Some modules, especially the 32 DI with corrosion protection and Shutter Actor would help a lot in my planned Automation concept, as I want to use “normal” buttons that are wired to the central cabinet. When I try to add Homematic IP Cloud integration by entering SGTIN I am receiving an unknown error. I went with this solution as I already had the RPI and my Home Assistant runs on a non-RPI device. ccu2 Please add to the Homematic Addon the the USB Platform Stick HB-RF-USB which runs with a HM-MOD-RPI-PCB or RPI-RF-MOD - both can do the HM and HmIP protocol. Dabei werden wir auf die HACS Integration von Jens Maus zurückgreifen. 0 . The company Homematic / ELV updated the shutter actor and renamed the updated version by adding “-2” So v1 of the shutter actor has the SKU “HMIP-BROLL” v2 of the shutter actor has the SKU “HMIP-BROLL-2” The updated actor Hello, my homematic ip alarm panel is no longer working with my home assistant installation (Core Version 2021. Thank you! #verdrahtet #homeassistant #homematic Mehrere Kommentare habe ich erhalten, wie man denn die CCU3 mit Home Assistant verbinden kann. Dann habe ich in configuration. GitHub Hi there, I’m trying to use the Service ‘homematicip_cloud. After some research, I found out, that it seems to be, Yes firewall was not opened and after I enabled full access works perfectly. Till yesterday I used Openhab2 and now i try to migrate my homematic and zwave installation here. Hi, I have just installed Home Assistant on a raspberry 3. It’s working fine to change profiles, however, when the Climate Group is in Manual Mode (because someone changed the temperature on the thermostate) it’s not working. 101 resolvenames: json username: "XXX" password: "XXX" I oHello, I’ve got a Home Assistant installed on a Raspberry PI 3b (more information at the end of this post). I want to switch this variable with a normal switch (similiar turning on/off lights). 3. this is what I have in configuration. I just switched from Homematic IP cloud add-on to Homematic(IP)_local + RaspberryMatic using the HmIP-RFUSB Stick plugged into the Pi4 running HA. yaml i put the following: homematic: hosts: wireless: ip: 192. When I try to add it as Homematic Cloud I will be asked for a SGTIN. But they don’t appear in any place in Home-assistant, including the entity Hi, I’m using HomematicIP devices to control my heaters. attributes. Otherwise, get a RPI-RF-MOD and a HB-RF-USB-2. You have to grant full access for the XML-RPC API or specify the IP-address of the Home Assistant instance and allowlist it, Because of the much more advanced functionality of this third-party add-on compared to our own “HomeMatic CCU” add-on, this is now the recommended add-on to use your Home Assistant also as a HomeMatic CCU HomeMatic and HomematicIP devices are integrated by automatically detecting the available parameters, for which suitable entities will be added to the corresponding device-object within Erfahre, wie du deine Homematic IP Geräte über Home Assistant steuern und mit anderen Smart Home Komponenten verbinden kannst. Home Assistant – HACS installieren. Bin nun vom IOBroker auf HA umgestiegen. Home ; Homematic IP, the German manufacturer of smart products has introduced a new local control hub for their products, called Home Control Unit. März 2024 von Nerd. Now I have a x86 server with Proxmox where HA runs in a LXC. I bought a USB HMIP I have the latest Home Assistant OS installed on a Raspberry Pi 3 I have a Homematic Evo radiator valve thermostat ready to be installed which either requires an since the Homematic IP system is not using WIFI. YAML addiert: Hi everyone, basically i am using HA just as a Frontend for Homematic (IP). I really love the HA UI I’m running Hass. 4. Because of the much more advanced Once you have done that and restarted Home Assistant, Homematic devices no longer work anyway, It’s best not to use batteries for Homematic IP devices if you don’t want to keep replacing them. Hi everyone, I’m looking to integrate HASmartThermostat into Home Assistant to control my heating. Press release blog Product page on website of Homematic IP Price: 299,95 Introductionary video (German): Previously the Homematic IP products were only possible to be used in a configuration using a cloud based I’m using a Homematic IP HmIP-FALMOT-C12 actuator to control my heating system. I see all my thermostats and their values, as well as windows sensors, but there is still a few issues that i can’t seem to fix. Die ersten Einstellungen haben auch ohne Probleme funktioniert. 7. As for running Home Assistant and Homematic/RaspberryMatic (preferred), I’d suggest a VM (that’s what I’m currently running) if you have a server or an old laptop (upside: integrated UPS!) you can spare. yaml homematic: interfaces: Hello, I am in despair. Home Assistant 2022. as the values send from home assistant to homematic are ‘0’ and ‘1’ ) , and finally; creating a script to use DLD’s ability to “open” the door be holding the latch for a short period of time. 5, Supervisor 2021. Nun kannst If you are using HomeMatic/homematicIP smart home products with Home Assistant, the future will now be even brighter. In the configuration. I recently purchased a Homematic IP HmIP-RFUSB because I would like to run the system locally using the RaspberryMatic Add-on. yaml), and the state of that entity is the count of system messages (“Systemmeldungen”). And those are what I come across first when I search for integrations. I then connected my first Homematic IP Smoke Sensor, which now can be seen in both in the Homematic Interface as well as two devices in Home Assistant (sensor and battery). steckenpferd January 9, 2019, Home Assistant – Homematic IP einrichten. I’m also using the HAP as Homematic IP base. As per now integration is adding one thermostat sensor per each thermostat (eTRV in my case) and this sensors report only the valve opening status in % and rssi data; then a climate entity is generate per each “room/group” defined in HmIP but the group My problem: RaspberryMatic can’t find any of my Homematic IP devices. Learn how to connect your HomematicIP devices to Home Assistant via cloud server. Hello, I currently was using HmIP-HAP with the HmIP Cloud. Whether with just a few devices or the entire system. Hello all I have got seven somke detectors (Type HmIP-SWSD) present in home assistant. the channel 8 light of your BSL), I am e. Further plans to completely block the non-partner apps from the Homematic IP Cloud cannot be ruled out. Egal was ich da eintrage, verbindet sich Home Assistent mit Home Matic nicht. Up to now I have mostly Tasmota devices, and a lot of Bluetooth devices, including Bluetooth thermostats. I’m using a Homematic IP HmIP-FALMOT-C12 actuator to control my heating system. Next you will be asked to press the blue button at the access point and in HA you have to click the “send” button Good luck and have fun with Home Assistant Der Stick kann nur das HMIP-Protokoll. Button 1 is therefore at the top left of the remote control and button 8 at the bottom right. Here is the code I tried: - platform: smart_thermostat name: Kleines Bad Example unique_id: Hey there, i just found HASS this night and it looks really great. Home assistant is installed on an Intel NUC. 2. So at least once you have restarted Home Assistant, it has to be available. homematic. 9. I found some entries here in the forum, many few years old but probably still I am using Homematic (IP) Local from HACS store to connect my CCU3 to HA. Homematic IP Cloud is not supported! Blueprint: blueprint: name: Actions for HmIP-WRC6 description: When a button is pressed, the defined actions will be executed. com/2wp8jd5rLink, to add the Addon:htt Hello, I want to make a system variable on my Homematic CCU2 available as switch. Actually I need a new Tablet Dashboard for my Homematic and would test Lovelace for this. I have one more challenge I have a working Homematic setup, which looks (essentially) like this: homematic: interfaces: HMIP: host: 1. I am using the custom component Homeamtic IP Local in HA. And if it’s still not working, please keep I would like that HomematicIP integration will make some missing attributes available in the HASS entitiy. 50 port: 2000 username: "Admin" password: "password" Having a bit of a problem with Homematic for the eTrv-2 devices. The team around RaspberryMatic has been hard working during the last months to make their alternative “HomeMatic CCU“ operating system a full fledged Home Assistant Add-on with no compromises. The documentation does not say much, and The simplest and cheapest Homematic(+IP) gateway is the USB Stick, HmIP-RFUSB. I configured my CCU3 like this: homematic: interfaces: wired: host: 192. Anybody got an idea how to Homematic (IP) Failed to connect. The CCU2 is acting up lately so I decided to switch to the HmIP-RFUSB stick. Via the homematic integration I Hey Guys, I have a Problem with my Homematic Addon for Home Assistant. Falls die Homematic(IP) Local Integration keine Verbindung zum RaspberryMatic aufbaut, kannst du Folgendes versuchen: Starte den gesamten Home Assistant Host einmal neu; Prüfe, ob RaspberryMatic an sich funktional ist; Stelle die Firewall am beste auf deaktiviert oder relaxed Hello, in my setup I have a HA OS instance running on an RPi 4 and RaspberryMatic on the same system with a RF-USB. One of my shutter actors were defect, so I bought a new one. 00xxxxxxxxxxxx_8 (i. habe jetzt gefunden dass auch bei Homematic IP ein WebIU HA an ccu3. My problem: I have very regularly switches that Please help fool :blush: finally the new release of HA came with HmoeMaticIP support, and first where I stack is: “generate the authentication token:” how ? where ? when use find -name “generate_auth_token. 1-Wire. I think they all work on RaspberryMatic too. It took a while but after a few days I was able to connect my Homeatic RF radiator controller. See also: Add support for HmIP-eTRV-E device to Home Assistant · Issue #78600 · home-assistant/core (github. 3 Home Assistant OS 8. I introduced my CCU2 to Home Assistant via configuration. To set the color of Homematic entity light. Hey! You are on the right path. I personally went with Hello, unfortunately, I have issues setting up Homematic IP. I have an entity named “homematic. Bildschirmfoto 2025-02-01 um 22. ccu2. Ich zeige dir einen Weg mit der Homematic Custom Integra Homematic Integration for your CCU. I would really wish that the integration of Homematic (IP) would be more seamless in HA, however i can see the Point that the Homematic System is just highly popular in the german speaking part of the world. py” in ter Hi everyone, so I learned, that the Raspberry Matic is an available addon for Home Assistiant. 168. yaml: sensor: - platform: template sensors: alarm_scharf: value_template: "{{ I added the following to my configuration: homematic: hosts: ip: ip: 192. 6 Supervisor 2022. Der Homematic IP Fenster- und Türkontakt ist Teil des Homematic IP Smart-Home-Systems und überwacht zuverlässig das Öffnen und Schließen von Fenstern/Türen mithilfe eines Magnetkontakts. Die Anmeldung erfolgt ohne Benutzername und Kennwort bei der CCU3. Additionally I have a HomeMatic CCU3 connected via the homematic integration. g. Nun bin ich aber auf mein erstes Problem gestossen, was ich auch mit Recherche im WWW noch nicht lösen konnte. But I Hi, I have the problem with the Homematic devices that I can read out the volts, but how do I do that at 2. Homematic IP Cloud Integration Klicke in der linken Menüleiste auf Einstellungen (1) und wähle dort die Integrationen (2) aus. It is completely up to date. With the Homematic part I´ve got some troubles. I got a good deal on a radiator thermostat recently. [Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled. this automation code is what I came up with: trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - person. Bonjour, I have a problem with Homematic switches becoming unavailable in home assistant. Folge den Schritten, um Home Assistant und HACS zu installieren und zu konfigurieren. Here is what I’ve done so far: 1. The next problem with the shutters is either 100% or 0% with the shutter card. swdit (Stefan) October 5, 2023, 8:27am 1. Feature Requests. works good so far. 0. Find the configuration steps, device types, and supported devices for this integration. Im Start your smart home with the most flexible Homematic IP control centre ever. 5. Hey, I just like the Idea of getting Automations in one place with blueprints. Hello, I am using a Homematic CCU3 with Respberrymatic and have got a system variable on the ccu3 which I want to read the state of to a sensor. I have a true/false system variable in my CCU3. I can see the native “HomeMatic” thermostat and fire detector but not the “homematic IP” devices like outlet switch and motion sensor. I am trying to get my I changed the setting to enable Authentication active and tried with the Admin user and the home assistant (both in logged out state). So time to get rid of the cloud-solution. Ich kann über Web UCI ganz normal auf meine CCU3 I have Home Assistant installed on Windows 10. homematic: interfaces: rf: host: ip ssl: false verify_ssl: false Custom Home Assistant Component for HomeMatic. The HmIP-PSM-2 switch measurement socket works perfectly in the Homematic. 63. Please keep in mind, that long-press actions might be executed multiple times, according to your configured minimum duration for long press. Is it possible at all to “port over” devices from one set up to The nice thing about this series is, that they also provide a series of adapters so that you can retrofit existing light switches and have the new smart light switches match the decor of the existing switches throughout the home. com) Today my HmIP-RFUSB arrived and now Homematic IP local works perfectly fine. homegear” (that’s the symbolic name from configuration. So for me using the HmIP-RFUSB-TK was the problem, even if Raspberrymatic worked without any issues before. But these are the Home Assistant community driven integrations, right? Homematic is built-in, right? Thanks for the explanation! Have a nice Sunday! RT Dear all, At the moment I run my Homematic IP network via the company’s wireless access point, and use the official Homematic IP (cloud) integration in Home Assistant. Erfahre hier, wie du deine Homematic Installation in Home Assistant mite einbinden kannst. andre217 (Andre) Um deine Homematic IP Geräte über Home Assistant steuern und diese mit Smart Home Komponenten anderer Anbieter kommunizieren lassen zu können muss zunächst die Homematic IP Cloud Integration installiert werden. It only shows the battery status but not the current temperature or the heating / valve position as for the other thermostats. 13 on Raspberry PI 4). I use Debmatic, where they have a list of modules. Now, I have configured a button in HA which will switch to a third profile raising the temperature for one hour. Nothing special. Now my Homematic based sensors got unavailable in HA, while they still work in the RasperryMatic Tags: Home Assistant and HomeMatic, HomeMatic IP, Raspberrymatic, HomeMatic CCU HM-IP_RF-PCB Hardware:https://tinyurl. stefan to: home from: not_home condition: [] action: - service: No, I have no solution so far. Homematic IP released a new Smart Door Lock which works great but has no Home Assistant Integration yet. That has gotten me one step closer. Waschmaschine1 }}" entity_id: homematic. I use a Raspberrymatic as CCU3. 5 Home Assistant Supervisor 2022. I want to use these with the HASmartThermostat integration to control a Zigbee outlet. Until I’ve updated the Core and RaspberryMatic four days ago to the newest versions everything worked as intended. 2 • Addons installed: File editor (5. Right now I get rfd, wired, HMIP values in HA, but since days I fight with the integration of System variables and CUxD values from RaspberryMatic. base_lock Hello everyone! I want to control HomeMatic (RF/IP/IPW) devices through Home Assistant. And it's as simple as this: Replace the conventional garage door button with the smart solution from Homematic IP. The integration of the HmIP-WTH-2 thermostats into Home Assistant went smoothly. The following from the log: 2022-10-25 So, I had this strange thing, that I didn’t get any events from Homematic in my Homeassistant from a newly connected HmIP-WRC6 remote control unit. Hello, i know The homematic ip app does not show the current temperatures of a heater thermostat, maybe we can also extract that. With this you are able to bind any binary_sensor to an homematic ip thermostat. blueprint: name: Window Open, Notify HomeMatic IP Local CCU description: An automation blueprint that reduces the set temperature of your Hi, does anyone know if the HmIP-ASIR or HmIP-ASIR-2 alarm siren is fully supported on pyhomematic and home assistant? I found a pull request from August 2020 which states: This pull request: adds support for HomeMatic device: HmIP-ASIR New class: IPAlarmSensor Home Assistant [platform]: DISCOVER_BINARY_SENSORS does the HomeMatic IP integration. Can anybody describe how to trigger an alarm (smoke detector makes noise)? In my HA the HmIP-SWSD detector is listed in entity list twice: When a button is pressed, the defined actions will be executed. And you're done! Now you can control your garage door simply via the app or via a Homematic IP remote control. set_active_climate_profile’ for Homematic IP Cloud. 65, and it does appear to work, Home-assistant shows the device as an UNSUPPORTED type. io (ver. poeg91 (Poeg91) November 14, 2023, 5:41pm 1. It looks like you came back to this page after you clicked the link. Little explanation first: I have a RaspberryPi4 with Home Assistant and HomeMatic(IP) local connected to a CCU2 with over 50 devices coupled, both HomeMatic and HomeMaticIP. The homematic integration is done with @danielperna84 pyhomematic interface. I’ve been testing out home-assistant for a few days now and quite love it. 18 2028×1942 329 KB. Hi guys, I’m getting mad since I’m trying to get this stuff running since hours. 166 ) and Home Assistant (latest: I think ver. I would like to group them. These are the approaches I’m aware of so far: HomeAssistant’s HomeMatic integration with a RaspberryMatic CCU with RPI-RF-MOD (other radio modules Guten Tag und hallo an das Simon42 Community Forum, ich verfolge seit etwa 4 Wochen das Thema rund um Home Assistant. However, it seems that new devices, which were added to Homematic after the initial setup HASSIO “Home Assistant OS” is the (current) name . 05. 1 I use a CCU3 from homematic v3. 4, HA OS 5. If one device detects smoke and makes noise, all other six devices should also make noise. So, I just used the perfect work from @AndrejDelany (Homematic - Actions for HmIP-WRC6 / HM-PB-6-WM55 and changed it a little bit to fit it to HmIP-BSM devices. 9 (the latest version). Does anybody here has experience with integration Homematic IP wired in Hi, I do my first steps with HA. ] blueprint: name: Window Open, Notify HomeMatic IP Local CCU description: An automation blueprint that reduces the set temperature of your climate devic At the end i added a Template Lock in HA: lock: - platform: template name: Basedoor unique_id: basedoor value_template: "{{ states. Die Installation mit dem integrierten "Homematic IP Cloud" hat problemlos geklappt und ich vermisse aktuell (noch) keine Funktion. The numbering of the buttons is line by line and from left to right. e. This works great so far, with one exception: I can configure Hi Devs, Is there anyone actively working on homematic component as I have a CCU2 connected to “homematic IP” sensors and they are not showing up in Home Assistant. The HomeMatic documentation for Home Assistant has a section which covers automations to use to automatically reconnect. 4 port: 2010 resolvenames: json hosts: hm: host: 1. Wie das klappt, zeige ic I got blocked by eq3/homematic, Home Assistant Community HomematicIP-Cloud REST-Api-Throtteling. In particular, I have two profiles for days when I’m working from home and when I’m not (the latter lowers temperature during the day). All devices mentioned are showing up inside CCU2. Is it due to the update between the CCU and Home Hi, I wanted to try using some Homematic IP devices. Can somebody help me? My hardware up to now: HmIP-RFUSB HmIP-FALMOT-C12 What I have done: Install Rasperrymatic addon is running Install Homematic(IP) Local in HACS Ich habe dann HmIP-FALMOT-C12 in in Rasperrymatic angelernt. If I use the RaspberryMatic in HA is it possible to use the current HmIP-HAP as only Gateway to the HmIP network? Or do i still need some USB-Adapter It defines the IP+Port combination to which the CCU will establish the reverse connection where the states are pushed to. Configuration. Since CCU Version 3, the internal firewalls are enabled by default. If the link didn't work, make sure your instance URL below is correct and check our troubleshooting steps. Just to clear things up: I have a RaspberryMatic on a RaspberryPi3 (Homeatic CCU3). As @AndrejDelany s Work, you need to use the Homematic device name. now I wanted to set a variable from HA on the CCU3 when my mobile device enters HOME zone. 09. In this case, the Homematic IP Cloud can only be reached from a cellular network. 22. Where I just continue to fail is to see the devices in Home Assistant 🙁 I have to commit though that I don’t quite get the docs on the integration (Homematic - Home Assistant) and that’s why I trialed and errored a bit: Keine Verbindung von Home Assistant zu RaspberryMatic. Thanks a lot. I’m using the HM-MOD-RPI-PCB Hardware and want to controll both Homeatic-RF and Homeatic-Ip devices. They work well but the range is limited. Folge den Schritten zur Installation der Homematic IP Cloud Integration und zur I have been using the HM (not IP) switch-measure sockets for years without any problems. t0bse December 14, 2018, 9:13am 1. 6. Worked fine untill I added some automation and scenes. However, there is already an open issue for the implementation of the needed sensors → Update of the Homematic IP Cloud Rest API für HmIP-ESI-IEC · The new thermostat HmIP-eTRV-E is not yet integrated in the homematicIP Cloud integration. I have been using the HM (not IP) switch-measure sockets for years without any problems. If password protection is set up in the Homematic IP app, this must be entered under “Pin” I don’t have a pin query in the app, so I haven’t entered a “Pin” here. No problems yet. Home Assistant Core 2022. Ich habe gerade erst angefangen mich mit Home-Assistant auseinanderzusetzen und teste erste Homematic-IP Komponenten, bevor ich den Wechsel (aktuell noch die MAX! vorgänger) mache. But, the HmIP-PSM-2 is not included in the Homeassistant. I Hi all, I am currently running a HA blue and connected it with my CCU3. 2V At the latest from when the Home assistant receives a warning (voltage too low or in the form of a battery status display with colors). My blueprint is working with the homematic ip local addon for the CCU. I have a local HomeMatic Ip Local integratian (via HACS) properly running. Configuration welcome to Home-Assistant. But why I bought it, was to control my Yeelight with Homeassistant. Nevertheless, I’d like to integrate at least the levels of the valves connected to the HmIP-FALMOT-C12 as well. Hatte bisher Homematic IP nur mit dem Smartphone konfituriert. Das OCCU-Addon für Home Assistant kann natürlich alle drei Protokolle. !!!!Installation und anlernen von HMIP-BROL I made modified version of sota’s blueprint: Many thanks for this. Until now I was able to read the value through a JSON client → so the Recently i’ve built an additional raspberrymatic-System (for Homematic IP Smoke Sensors) and sucessfully connected it to my Home Assistant instance. I have now purchased a HMIP device. Nevertheless, I’d like to integrate at least the levels of Change all heating thermostats to HomeMatic IP, including windows contacts; get a Raspi with Homematic module, install Raspberrymatic for using the Raspi as CCU; get 2nd Raspi (as obviously RPMatic doesn’t allow any further installation (own image)), plugin Conbee II USB for Zigbee; install Home Assistant and deCONZ on Raspi2 With this you are able to bind any binary_sensor to an homematic ip thermostat. Nach einigen Fehlversuchen mit Zigbee TRV's bin ich umgestiegenin die HomeMatic Welt - nicht mit einer Hardware CCU3,sondern auf RaspberryMatic auf einem Pi Hi there, hopefully this question is not too stupid and I’m using the proper terminology: Here’s what I want to do: For no reason I want to display the valve state of a homematic thermostat (HM-CC-RT-DN working with an original CCU2). This Home Assistant Community Homematic IP Mode integration (eco/boost/manual/auto) Feature Requests. 178. 3) in docker containers on my desktop computer (Debian Buster). @NoWebH. 1 Operating System 9. 7 or later), the system transfer assistant transfers all devices, groups, automations, and measurement data (last 12 months) Hey guys, I have a CCU3 and some HmIP-WTH-1 devices. The integration can’t be used on two Home Assistant machines in the same network that well. Yep, I totally agree that this behavior does not make sense . Since Dec 1, 2020, HomematicIP (EQ-3) has started to block public IP addresses of Home Assistant installations, if they access the Homematic IP Cloud too often. Skip to main Easy transition: With the free Homematic IP app (version 3. I read something about pyhomematic but all the information which I can get in german don Hey there, I successfully setup raspberrymatic using Docker and I am totally happy that I can even see the devices in the r-matic webui. 20220115) • Telekom branded Wireless Stick What I have tried: Hi! The HmIP-BSL device is offering 2 different RGB light entities - one is on ch8, the other on ch12. In this case, the Homematic IP Cloud can only be reached from a cellular In diesem Video geht es um die Möglichkeiten der Homematic Standard Geräteintegration im Jahre 2022. skiizan hdrv ooazr qxfde wgka mkzsoi ngsoi ayx xiknn zwq egjrgl jyzj vrzqidatr rplous ljhm