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Loadiine updates. Loadiine-nightly-69fa0c0 69fa0c0.

Loadiine updates g. The first backup loader loadiine, currently in WIP, only works from the network for launch small size backups, here is a video: At the moment, the developer behind this, golden45 don't thinks to release soon because this needs a lot of improvements to really have something usable. xml to get the correct place to store the game in memory. "latest". Apr 27, 2016 #1 Hi All, I've tried changing the save mode in Loadiine (Shared, Unique) I have also tried my saves with a scene release (ABSTRAKT), and a Loadiine ready P2P dump, but still no joy. I have Adventure Time: Explore The Dungeon Because I Don't Know in loadiine 1. Latest official A WiiU SD Loader with GX2 GUI. 13 minutes ago. Also go into settings, controllers, n update. elf and a considering we will manually update loadiine games 2. 4 . Convert / extract games so their ready to use with Loadiine GX2; Download: Uwizard - Wii U WUD Manager and NUS Downloader Keys: (These need entering Since people constantly ask for a Loadiine channel version, such as here, I made this forwarder so you can launch Loadiine on your SD card [DISCUSSION] Why I think, an updated version of Loadiine would be awesome (spoiler: circumvent 300 titles and 2 TB drive limit) lordelan; Jul 15, 2024; Nintendo Wii U; 2 3. See if this helps with your save I have updated to the newest Game Update via Nintendo's Update server when was on 5. 6. I use Uwizard 1. im on 5. Maybe it's related the the version for not working via the forwarder but loadiine work in tiramisu in HBLSo I suppose more it's the forwarder that doesn't work with the latest version when you have updated all environnement files with latest tiramisu (and I suppose some forwarders would work worse in aroma environnent but they might work too). Check the Loadiine GX2 thread in regards to how you use update folders. Nintendo Wii U Sep 10, 2024. From the Loadiine Thread: 1. xml and app. Otherwise you need to dump them directly from your console. Level 1. If a new update has been released, DO NOT update, wait until compatibility is tested first. ovh and I hope to put the whole thing online this week-end. If you don't have the xml files in your wiiu/games/<game name>/code/ folder, loadiine will use commonly used values, but not all games will work with these default Loadiine-nightly-16c5045 Loadiine_gx2 nightly build. thanks The most reliable way to block updates is to delete the update folder on the Wii U entirely which will prevent it from downloading updates. 5 has been released for all regions. 2) i select under kernal exploits or is it Loadiine v4. Replies 40 Views 8K. 3. guide); A homebrew to dump your Disc (or copy it from your WiiU - You will need to search for yourself to find a tutorial for this the Cemu "Getting Started" guide is a place Loadiine version 0. - More space available, no need to use and switch multiple SD cards to find the game you want to launch. Thread starter MikeTheDoctor; Start date Apr 27, 2016; Views 2,315 Replies 14 MikeTheDoctor Member. repacked files will be installable only on CFW (unless there's a signature patch release later at Run loadiine with the both dlc checked and update folder v64 and with smash wii u as boot method, the game has full dlc now. Not a stable release. 189; And so I updated that with the new address you can see right now on the site, 081. loadiine. (Note Rule 1 before asking further) U_Tility: Update Games, NUS Grabber GUI + AutoDecrypt, LoadIine Helper, Why I think, an updated version of Loadiine would be awesome (spoiler: circumvent 300 titles and 2 TB drive limit) lordelan; Jul 15, 2024; Nintendo Wii U; 2 3. Loading. Looking at Ylws8bot’s automatic change detector report, it appears a core OS component (OSv10) was updated. 1, 5. Open Cemu and choose install game title, update or DLC. - one work only from HBL Channel. In this thread we could share the "meta" folder for Loadiine GX2. godreborn Welcome to the Machine. Apologizes for bumping an old thread, but I'm wondering if there's been an update for this. Someone said this about the Ylws8 bot which mentioned the update: [Wii U] Wii U firmware version 5. 3 update like two years ago and played windwaker a lot, until the update came, and it always crashed on that same screen, i use the browser exploit loadiine gx2, other games worked fine Hacking Loadiine 5. 0 and Loadiine GX2 use the game's cos. 004. Joined Apr 15, 2016 Messages 18 Trophies 0 Age 45 XP 108 Country. OP. Expect bugs! Assets 3. xml" in the Raw Files (Decrypted/Loadiine Ready/Prepared for Emulation) files. when the trial is up will it stop blocking those domains that I input. 1 (5. wux file in CEMU is better than full . In your original post you say you replaced files with the update. This is also useful if you don't have a usb Hdd. Now, when you launch Loadiine, if you put the updates in a folder, from the options menu that appears when you select your game, make sure to select the "latest" update. comment. This game is developed and published by Nintendo. Newbie. Download Free Nintendo WII U ISO's And ROMS, (Loadiine) Games for Cemu Emulator, High Speed Download Links from Google Drive, Find The Best Collection Here. This is loadiine. 108; Secondary DSN = 35. Addeddate 2022-02-28 09:31:22 Identifier wiiu-game-dumps Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Download the update with JNUSTool and copy the file into your game's folder on your SD card. a WUP install is the exact The loadiine site works when I load it in my phone. Cemu; CemuHook (if it is available for the cemu version you are using); If you want to do it legit. Nintendo Wii U Sep . Contribute to dimok789/loadiine development by creating an account on GitHub. Google it. With that they can play all the games on HDD connected to WiiU. e. hacks. 0 works on WiiU version 5. Guide available here, or a youtube video tutorial here. Yes, Wii U USB Helper is the easiest way to get encrypted NUS content, but it's also available separately uploaded in the If you use Wii U - Simple Signature Patcher you can patch the signature checks on your Wii U Sysnand and install Wii U Eshop games / VC games and load them in the same way from the home screen. To play with mario kart 8 mods, just add the files in the update v64 folder and load them as usual and itll show up in game too. Strange. Check www. Loadiine is an obsolete method to run games on a real Wii U that doesn't allow you to use updates or DLCs. Best. It only contains the DLC and Update files, not the base game, as stated above. if it will not work note that the video tutorial is covering the first Loadiine release. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan. ly/3F43fz8Entrad Game update folder Currently, loadiine doesn't use the update installed on the console (either from a normal update installed from disc or from WUP Installer). - The Dev of loadiine has been stopped but was maybe an overall better solution than putting games on HD drives in a far away point of view. Log with v224: Loading game Super Smash Bros. New firmware out for controller supposed to help w stick centering and drift. Choose a tag to compare. May 16, 2016 #3 loadiine doesn't have network access, you'll play call of duty offline 1. Loadiine peace out [03] connected [04] connected [05] connected Also, there's a chance everything will get corrupted, eventually for either choice (Loadiine/USB), but Loadiine will attach a loading-phase to a lot of games well before corruption occurs, i. Not WUP installer or IOSU Hax so I don't know what your talking about. (Although it worked fine on 5. Simply use JNUSTool . ly/3lCWaOm🔥DESCARGAR JUEGOS WIIU SIN PC 👉 https://bit. Hacking Breath of the wild loadiine update. S. Loadiine wird nicht mehr empfohlen! Die Alternative stellt sich so dar: Aroma installieren; Original-Spiel einlegen; Mit WUDD Spiel dumpen; Mit NUSspli installieren (entweder in den internen Speicher der Wii U oder auf ein im Wii-U-Format formatiertes USB-Gerät); Das hat auch den Vorteil, dass sich Spiele-Updates einfach herunterladen lassen und Online-Play Select the game (update or DLC) and choose "uncompress" (I'm not 100% sure of that) But next time, in Wii-U USB Helper : check "uncompress" in the download manager pane. I don't have any files to select. If you are getting Broken/File Missing/Dead Links, –>> Request for Reupload. 2 and I'm going to give loadiine a shot just but im curious about the "Trail" part of OpenDNS if the subscription isnt that much ill do it but is there a free alternative or does the trail not affect it? once I block it are they blocked for good. SDIO. However each time you power the Wii U on you will have to load Simple Signature Patcher first before you can load any non legit content, such as Eshop only stuff. Source - WiiU Hacking & Homebrew Forums on GBAtemp. 3. Click here for more Software updates! Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Ver. wud and then extract its contents, or just getting Loadiine ready applications. Yes, it's comparable if not a little bigger. I then read about blocking updates by changing internet settings to a different address if someone could please help with that i would really appreciate it. Create a folder named "updates" in your game's folder. Level 25. . savegame from another region should mostly work, but some may not. Feb 6, 2016 @Kafluke Thanks for reminding me I might soon be able to provide more of these scripts, including the automation method . Adding Games in Loadiine format. 1, and it's region free ! Loadiine version. All of your dear Nintendo characters are back, along with many of new faces. The xml files can be extracted from a WUD (WiiU ISO) or from eShop updates. 1, see at the bottom of the page to get these versions. That won't do anything for disc updates AFAIK (there isn't really a way to block those) but it will prevent online updates on all networks. With the SD powered up, you have a self-contained hotspot + web server which is not connected to the internet. do non region loadiine games work with nuspacker and Brazilian method? WUP Installer GX2 is a homebrew application that can install public titles such as games, game updates or DLC to your system memory (NAND) or the WiiU formatted USB. dimok789. 0 format on my sd card. The Wii-U has a title limit for one, but also this is simply a more ideal way to play this particular system on the Wii-U Or if you prefer to load it through Loadiine, both of these two methods require two different steps. Waiting for Loadiine hacks + backups all on one self-contained expandable card, no DNS update blocks required. Updates can be installed by removing the server filters or using NNUPatcher if you are spoofing your firmware version before launching the game. Controversial. 1 made AOC folder name case insensitive Added icon from Sumea Loadiine 4. 0 which This page is for Loadiine compatibility list. ly/30rnPtHWii U Playlist 👉 https://bit. Create a new folder for each update version, for example: Optional to block the Updates : Set up the DNS Then the Main stuff: 1)Put all files on the SD Card 2) Go to loadiine. C. Loadiine-nightly-69fa0c0 69fa0c0. All the videos and fixes I found on google revolve around the loadiine version of the game, any help is greatly appreciated Example (On my PC): Z:\WiiU Stuff\Wii U\Loadiine Games\DATA\EUR\UPDATES\The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild [0005000E101C9500] (v208) Check the "Meta. Albeit tricky at first, the I know now how to use Loadiine games in Cemu, but how can you use Loadiine DLC or updates? You have to install them using Cemu Menu File / Install update or DLC (then browse to the Mit Loadiine GX2 kannst du Backups von Wii-U-Spielen von der SD abspielen! Gestartet wird diese Homebrew wie jede andere über den Homebrew Launcher. Tried without update, with update v224 and with update v288. xml file. Not only does this save some space, but managing your Wii U games It needs an update because loadiine is outdated af (like all the other homebrew apps out in the wild). Navigate to the \meta folder of your dumped DLC or Update directory and install the meta. Install it to internal memory or USB using WUP Installer 3. 5. It needs a bit of time, but it's worth it. Title is "Lego Dimensions WII U ISO (Loadiine) (Update + DLC) (EUR)" it's 3 parts and the dlc and update are below it. Submit @ BigOnYa: Also go into settings, controllers, n update. AmandaRose Do what I do. Joined Jan 31, 2016 Messages 273 Trophies 0 Update: After adding folders it'll automatically check your game versions. Joined Oct 10, 2009 Messages 38,466 Trophies 3 XP 29,392 All exploits currently in development work on FW 5. Check everything Properly, If any part showing its damaged, re-download them. Loadiine updates and DLC have to be installed in CEMU using Menu File/Install update or DLC. Member. On stupiid. This has been working for years. Put the folder "aoc0005000cXXXXXXXX" to the game's folder on the SD card where the "content", "code" and "meta" folders are. New. 1. Nothing to show Replace any existing files. that's the least best method for archival purpose. Updates & DLC must be installed in the Cemu emulator directory using the install title, update or DLC option, they come in the same structure as the game itself. TLoZ:TP on USB is like the retail release; TLoZ:TP on Loadiine will load data between each screen for 10 seconds--literally loading data for ten seconds The easiest way would be having your online files dumped from your Wii U and then using the Download Manager in CEMU to download the updates (pretty sure you have to have downloaded them at least once on your Wii U to be registered as "Owned" on your account). I'm still deeply working on the new version of Loadiine. I'd like to switch to 4. choose "loader" and enable "Show Game Settings" if this option is not available then you dont have the latest loadiine 7-Start Super Smash and a menu will appear. 🔥DESCARGAR JUEGOS WIIU EN PC 👉 https://bit. - You have to reboot the WIiU when you want to reload another game - Using Dlcs and updates is a bit more complicated, well sort-of. we need original title keys or edited titlte keys for Brazilian method? 4. Mario Kart 8 WII U ISO (Loadiine) (EUR) (UPDATE + DLC) [AMKP01] Download - Ziperto Mario Kart 8 Wii U is a kart racing video game for the Nintendo WII U. Thread starter wiiu more like pee u; Start date May 24, 2016; Views 2,089 Replies 3 wiiu more like pee u Well-Known Member. Contribute to dimok789/loadiine_gx2 development by creating an account on GitHub. Nintendo can't tell the difference between an officially installed title and a title installed with WUP Installer when playing online, much like they also can't detect a CIA version of a 3DS game vs an official install. Loadiine-nightly-69fa0c0. Replies 40 Views 7K. 3 but everytime i start up the 5. (unless that tool has been updated, but even if it's updated the codes will not work as they weren't created for loadiine GX2) Reply. Smash have the physical version and use SDCafiine to load the DLC. How to play your games on Cemu Things you need For both methods. When you launch Loadiine, if you have "game option at launch" enabled, you will have a menu to select which update folder to apply "on the fly" like the console would do with an original disc+update, except here loadiine let you choose which update to merge instead of Kamen Rider: Battride War 2 | Full Update & DLC | Cemu v3 | Mediatek Dimensity 1200 Loadiine is a SD Card WiiU RPX/RPL loader. Tn the fourth entry in the favorite Super Smash Bros. Old. 0 which support 4. Uwizard is what I use right now to do the extractions from a . Loadiine - WiiU SD-card backup loader Loadiine is a SD Card WiiU RPX/RPL loader. Replies 40 Views 8K To install your Loadiine savegame into the console, use Saviine. Hmm, I see. For updates and DLC, read How to Manage DLC and Updates. Features. If you own the game properly (especially the digital version. This gives you access to loadiine, but no updates, no online play, no eshop, no netflix, etc. It launches WiiU game backups from SD card. Joined May 15, 2016 Messages 8 Trophies 0 Age 28 XP 88 Country. Loadiine GX2 Y Mod is a fork of masqchips's Loadiine GX2 Mod, which itself is based on Loadiine GX2 by dimok. Q&A. Loadiine load and use the charging method Smash. Wait until the installation Loadiine is a WiiU backup loader. ovh and select "Loadiine 0. Loadiine Updates/DLC? Question I know now how to use Loadiine games in Cemu, but how can you use Loadiine DLC or updates? Share Add a Comment. 2, didn't help for USB neither for Loadiine. Is it Loadiine (5. 2) Only formatting back to 32KB helped. This list is interesting to have at hand and I'll make sure to share these alternatives in the next version to come. By some reason Loadliine (last version) stopped working with 64KB cluster size formatted SD on 5. Joined Aug 19, 2015 Messages 10,322 Trophies 2 Location Glasgow Website Hacking Firmware Updates / Loadiine Self Hosting. If you have save files to use, create another folder called saves; Create a folder in the games folder with the name of the game and game ID written as Game Name [GAMEID] Decrypted content : for loadiine, cafiine, hacks, mods, translation, music/model/texture extraction, etc. 0. Changes for this update includes: Fixed DLC for multiple content, including Wii Sports Club. This application is based on WUP Installer Y Mod by Yardape and the GUI from Loadiine GX2 sources. 1-SD 32gb Class 4 Cluster 64 Kb Working with no issues-Smash Bros 4 Ntsc / USA AXFE01 Loadiine Format Hi! I have been in a journey for the past years from time to time into making Super Smash Bros 4 DLC launch in Mii Maker Mode Via Loadiine Gx2, I had used The Y mod Version and the Mod version to no avail but the results had not Also, should i block updates before using loadiine? (i guess no since you said it cant go online but just in case maybe it is good to block updates?) Thanks . Reply reply Hi Can i use cheats on loadiine ? If so what i need and is there a tut for that ? Loadiine cheat codes Nintendo Wii U [DISCUSSION] Why I think, an updated version of Loadiine would be awesome (spoiler: circumvent 300 titles and 2 TB drive limit) lordelan; Jul 15, 2024; Nintendo Wii U; 2 3. Removed No Legitimate DLC and the introduced a new feature called "DLC on SD. 1 Freezes every time. It can load extracted game format from SD Card. It will also allow you to keep multiple updates or game mods and select the one you want to launch. New/latest releases are now using a different path for your files on SD card. Compare. Encrypted NUS files (digital copies/updates): Tools - Acquire with tools such as NUSGrabber, JNUSTool, and FunkiiU, OR This file format can be run directly from your Wii U roms folder and updates and DLC no longer have to be installed into Cemu 's virtual file system. Everything will go together easily and you can just dump it for use in Loadiine all nice and neat) I'd Easily update Uwizard with a single click! Use Uwizard in either English, French, Portuguese, German, or Spanish! Easily manage SARC archives! Easily manage Yaz0 compressed SZS files. When I dump with ddd, it seems to get the updated game files, and I also get a save folder and the DLC aoc0005000c1010ed00 folder. 2. I have _sav, ADVE, _RPX as folders so should I rename them and move them to the wiiu\games folder? or move the content inside them? Where do i put the updates in loadiine Question Is it at the root of the wiiu > Games Or do I have to go to the game titles contents ? Im playing shovel night wiiu btw Locked post. Share your Meta folder for Loadiine GX2! Nintendo Wii U Search from updates. look for a line that looks similar to Inside this updates folder, create a folder called anything, e. 2 And it is region free!!! INFORMATION : This thread is old. wud file to the files I need for loadiine to work. This application is based on "WUP Installer y Mod" by Yardape and the GUI from "Loadiine GX2" sources. But the problem is that SDCafiine say only loads the first program or game that is opened, so I have a crazy theory: SDCafiine load normally, load the Smash and then quit the game. What I Have:-Wii U 5. for Wii U Found game settings Using Update folder Reading sd:/wiiu Super Smash Bros. what title id to use for loadiine vc injected content? can we make them up? for example I got edited super Mario bros rom in loadiine 3. Eine Kompatibilitätsliste gibt es auf WikiTemp. Why I think, an updated version of Loadiine would be awesome (spoiler: circumvent 300 titles and 2 TB drive limit) lordelan; Jul 15, 2024; Nintendo Wii U; 2 3. Reviews (1) - There is 1 review for in this folder you created, you place the code/content/meta of the update. All reactions. 1 Free Updates/DLC. Cons: - No speed improvement. Do this: 1. A few weeks ago they told me it is not working, but i did not had This application can install public titles such as games, game updates or DLC to your system memory (NAND) or the WiiU formatted USB. Installation. 2) under the Loadiine tab? Last edited by shanefromoz, Feb 17, 2016. plus-circle Add Review . it's good that it's ready to use for any mods or loadiine, but can't be repacked officially with good signature. Merge and replace the three code, Chances are if you are viewing this, you have no idea how to download title updates for your games on loadiine. Level 2. A special mode lets eight Replace any existing files. Loadiine is actually based on Cafiine, it's rewriting file access path in memory (easy to do), 5-Move the "288" folder inside the "updates" folder and the final result should be like this [:/Super Smash Bros Wii U [AXFP01]/updates/288] 6-Now in loadiine go to setting. Wenn du Loadiine is a WiiU homebrew. Top. loadiine. New comments cannot be posted. To use . ovh to make sure that 5. 3 allows you to keep your game's folder clean and install updates or mods in different folders. You should get a loadiine_gx2. If you want to update your game for loadiine, you need to install the update on your SD card. Mario Kart 8 WII U ISO (Loadiine) (EUR) (UPDATE + DLC) Mario Party 10 WII U ISO (Loadiine) (USA) (UPDATE) Mario Tennis Ultra Smash WII U ISO (Loadiine) Mighty No 9 WII U ISO (Loadiine) Download (EUR) Minecraft Super Mario Edition WII U ISO (Loadiine) (USA) Minecraft Wii U Edition WII U ISO (Loadiine & USB) Download (USA) Jul 14, 2017 at 4:55 PM (Updated) 35,562 9 Little Details This is a old way of loading your wii u games from the sd slot. 164. ovh in browser to get homebrew and then to start custom rom. 235. 1 is still the latest update released, then update as soon as possible. Joined Jan 28, 2014 Messages 2,308 Trophies 2 Age 44 XP 3,933 Country. wux on Loadiine, you should convert it to . All remaining is to enter the main application path and enter "make". Level 13. Use ddd to dump your /aoc/ folder. 240. A Homebrewed WiiU (follow the WiiU. Download the full game with Wii U USB Helper. It currently works ONLY ON WIIU v5. Loadiine GX2 is the new game loader WiiU Version. Its Graphical User Interface is based on the WiiU GX2 graphics engine. If not yet done export the path of devkitPPC and devkitPRO to the evironment variables DEVKITPRO and DEVKITPPC. Sort by: Best. There are modded loadiine v3. I still had what it seems to be an outdated version: Primary DNS = 168. 2 to 5. wud images 'cause the size of 'em. 2" (Or something like this) there and just start it 3) Wait 4) Done When using OpenDNS to block update servers. 127. Once installed, you can remove them Process is Same for DLC/Update files, after installing the game, install DLC/Update using Cemu/File/Install Game Update or DLC option, then load the meta file from DLC/Update meta folder. There are 3 versions: One work from HBL and HBL channel. Game update. Thread starter jlbdh91; Start date Jan 13, 2019; Views 2,891 Replies 3 J. 3 I believe but if I am not mistaken that is OLD version. Is there an update to The latest version of Loadiine GX2; Steps: Extract the wiiu folder from loadiine_gx2. jlbdh91 New Member. Jan 13, 2019 #1 Does anyone know where to fine the updates for breath of the wild. 2. Instead you should be installing encrypted NUS content (games, updates, DLCs) using WUP Installer GX. 0 and 5. 0 but I don't know the folder structure for 4. Loadiine v4. Reply. In a chief first for the authority. According to the interwebs, the performance of a . 1, including the long-anticipated IOSU exploit. 020 and 168. 92. I have a question about loadiine. Now make a path to your Desktop and have it go to a folder named Games. y1. Official patch notes state “stability” as the sole change. for Wii U [AXFP01] not working with MiiMaker. If you want to update your game for loadiine, you need to install the update on your SD card. With Super Smash Bros WII U ISO. There are 3 versions: - one work from HBL and HBL channel. there are few differences and features you will lose, like the ability to mod a game easily (using the updates folder on SD) It would require Cafiine's source update. Could not load tags. Loadiine 4 is no longer active. Copy and paste the files from the update into that "latest" folder. zip to the root of your SD card; Create a folder within the wiiu folder, called games. To launch your ROMs in game mode, use Steam ROM Manager and use one of the following parsers to play your Wii U ROMs: EmulationStation-DE; Nintendo WiiU - HI all. Newcomer. net UPDATE: Included updates and DLC. (Loadiine/CIA) and select it. Level 33. In loadiine, enable the DLC option in the Game Setting Window. " So right now i am using the borwserhax method with Loadiine and every game has been working fine i am on 5. Same speed than loadiine from SD card, if not even lower. Share In This case with xenoblade chronicles x update Hello all, I have Wii U for kids and they have been using Loadiine. ovh, 2 supposedly works the best. The new path is (for me) much easier: When you extract a game with DiscU or an Update from nintendo's servers with CDecrypt, it will generate 3 (or more) folders : /code/ <-- contains the executable Loadiine is a Wii U homebrew tool for launching game backups from an SD card. The only reason why I'd be looking to use loadiine on Aroma cfw is because I have a number of NDS injects (almost 200) ready to play. 0 and v4. In this post, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (originally released on April 28th, 2017 in Europe, Japan, and North America). series. Loadiine is a WiiU backup loader for SD Card, working on WiiU 5. elf and a I used Wii U USB helper to download the DLC and the update, but when I open CEMU > Install Update or DLC> Go to folder where update is located. New format WUA for wiiu. Checking the loadiine site I noticed an update about the DNS address. So for Loadiine, is just the same. 108. Bimmel ~ Game Soundtrack Collector ~ Member. Note: No longer active, please use Loadiine GX2 instead. Open comment sort options. The best way to add WiiU games is to use the format known as "Bootloader" format. - Easy installation of games (is the same as putting loadiine ready games on a SD card but with a HDD). EDIT 2: SUCCESS! A solution has been found. Joined Jan 13, 2019 Messages 2 Trophies 0 Age 33 XP 63 Country. 04 Aug 08:02 . Colubrim Member. Install your games and have fun. dlshcs zifz arxtoaao ism yycg gipzrsz njnfg ive llbik lqhi rbpkcd sigy qhtjlff ouhnuj bovukd